Frequently asked Questions about the Gold Standard Service

How long is the contract?

The contract is for 1 year to allow us to get some great results for you. We always look at prior results as a guide to future results.

How do you decide on booking targets?

We will review your past performance and look for opportunities for improvement and agree an increase we can achieve. Our goal is to maximise occupancy of your properties at the maximum price using revenue management and our past experience.

Will my fee increase if my park grows in size or revenue?

Yes, but this will not be in direct proportion to the growth.

Do I have to give you access to my booking system?

Yes, we will need access to your booking system in order to check availability and make bookings.

Do I have to give you access to my PMS?

Yes, but only for reporting and data access purposes. Your data will remain your data and we will make no claim to ownership of it.

Will you make changes to my rates?

Yes, optimising your rates for best performance is part of the revenue management service. However, this will not be done without your consent.

Do I have to give you access to my customer database?

Yes, we will need to profile your data in order to inform our marketing and target the appropriate demographics. This will of course be done in compliance with GDPR requirements.

What if I have minimal data or none at all?

We only need information from around 1,000 bookings in order to profile your data. If you have less data than this available, we will need to wait until this target is reached for the profiling to take place. We recommend that you take steps to collect this kind of customer data as it is very important for marketing purposes.

Can I sign up for some of the services at a lower rate?

No, but we can discuss provision of any of these services separately from the Gold Standard Package for a one-off fee.

How do you set your fee for the service?

Our fees are based on 8% of your gross annual turnover, inclusive of VAT. We will provide a ‘worked example’ using your historic figures to estimate the likely improvements in income, savings, and costs.

How am I going to pay for the fee?

Our service pays for itself in a number of ways:

  1. We will ensure your marketing budget is spent efficiently, thereby saving you money as well as improving the return on investment.
  2. Through careful management, we will maximise your company’s revenue.
  3. We will increase the number of repeat customers and bookings made by referrals, reducing your marketing costs.
  4. We will increase occupancy and reduce the number of properties sitting empty at any given time.
When are the fees paid?

Fees are paid monthly, in advance.

Will I receive updates about revenue and the work you have done for me?

Yes, you will receive quarterly updates on the work we have done for your business.

What services will you provide under my brand name?

  1. We will answer the phone as the park.
  2. We will respond to emails addressed to the park.
  3. We will handle social media accounts under the park’s name.
  4. We will manage the park website.
Do I pay commission on top of the monthly/annual fee?

No commission is owed for bookings made through our websites. There may however be commission owed to external OTAs and affiliates. Through our service, we offer access to a massive affiliate network which charges 3 – 4% of the value of bookings made through them.

Will you need access to my website and social media accounts?

Yes. We will need traffic analytics for your website in order to create a plan, and social media will be used as part of the marketing strategy.

Will you make changes to my website without my consent?

We will not directly make any changes to your website. However, we may suggest improvements where appropriate which you or a member of your team can then implement.

Will you be on my park?

No, you and your staff at the park will manage all on-park activity and we will not be involved with this. We can of course suggest activities and experiences to the guest in our communications with them.

I don’t have a marketing budget, how much do I need?

As a rough estimate you should be dedicating a sum equal to around 15% of annual turnover to your marketing efforts. This may be lower if your business has been established for longer as you are likely to have an increased level of repeat customers and referred bookings.

How will you market my accommodation?

We use a wide array of marketing methods to ensure maximum return on investment. Our service includes:

  • Email marketing
  • Direct mailing
  • Affiliate marketing
  • Promotions
  • Continuous monitoring and improvement of rates and occupancy
  • Website reviews and improvements
  • Management of third-party review sites
  • Telephone answering
  • Telesales
  • Social media marketing
What about OTAs and affiliates I’d prefer not to work with?

Yes, if you would prefer not to take bookings or referrals from a particular company then we will not work with them on your behalf.

Who deals with complaints?

We will handle any customer complaints, but we may need your input and support to resolve them appropriately.

Can I use the Gold Standard Service for subhire properties?

If you have individual owners who subhire their holiday properties on your park, the Gold Standard Service is a good way to separate the promotion and booking of their properties from your own stock. By outsourcing the handling of their properties to us for the same fees you would ordinarily charge to them, we can ensure they are left satisfied with their occupancy rates and revenue.